I've experimented with Quite a few of Malcolms eggs, from the 3 fin retroish, to the stock high performance mini eggy("deviled egg")and the midlength (7'0") stock eggy. (a must for those gutless days when occasionally you can do your psuedo longboard moves yet also in top to bottom days when a little more board is the call for getting in early)
And now Malcolm and I decided to go "Hot Rod Eggy".
Getting such a board from a craftsmen/artist who's carrying a wealth of knowlege and 30 years of magic spells, is an honor!!!
I won't go too into detail as I don't know many of the subtle tweeks he did, except for the shaved down rails yet keeping enough foam hidden to keep the float.
Glassed lighter as well and sanded finish. This is a HIGH PERF. SHORTBOARD!!!!
(sorry Moonies for glassing elsewhere but time was an issue. I'LL BE BACK)
We call it "The Troublemaker".
6'4"- 15 1/2"- 20 1/4"- 14 1/2"- 2 9/16"