Shriekback's debut LP they worked in two basic modes: slithery,
abstract funk ('Lined Up', 'Clear Trails' etc.) and slower, spacier
numbers built on sustained bass notes ('Evaporation', 'Brink of
Collapse', and so on). The result was offputtingly cold to some, but to
those who dug a certain combination of intricate rhythm and eerie
atmospherics, Care was a revelation. Building on the sound of Tench,
this release continues to impress with its combination of off-kilter
creativity and top-notch musicianship. Bassist Dave Allen comes on like
Bootsy Collins' evil twin, Barry Andrews' freaky keyboard noises whirl
through the mix, and Carl Marsh adds tasteful, restrained guitar
colorings, innovative drum programming, and cerebral lyrics. The vocals,
while still unconventional, are a less aggressively weird than on
Tench, and Care shows a stronger pop element in songs like 'Sway' and
'Lined Up', which became a minor US hit.