

Prince has released a new song about the Minnesota Vikings, inspired by a big win over the Dallas Cowboys and days ahead of the NFC Championship game in New Orleans.

“I saw the future,” Prince told FOX 9's Robyne Robinson, who was given an exclusive copy of "Purple and Gold" on Thursday.

Prince was in attendance for the Vikings 34-3 win. He said he went home night after the Cowboys game and wrote "Purple and Gold," which he says came easy and fast. "While he was standing like a statue in the booth last week, he must have been inspired somehow to write this Vikings song," KDWB DJ Dave Ryan said. "So how cool is that, that Prince wrote a song about the Vikings?" Over his illustrious 30-year career, Prince has many muses, but his newest is the Minnesota Vikings and quarterback Brett Favre. When asked what it's like to be in the same company as Apollonia and Vanity, Favre said, "It just doesn't seem right."

At Friday's Vikings press conference, Favre tried to play down his role in the pantheon of music history.

"If (Prince) saw my rendition of Pants on the Ground, I don't think I have a shot," Favre said. "I don't think he'll be calling any time soon. As my career goes, I better stick to this job."

It's unlikely you'll be hearing "Purple and Gold" on the radio anytime soon, at least not by request. But while the song has received less than favorable reviews, Prince has long been an artist who could care less about mainstream acceptance.

One music critic who spoke with FOX 9 on Friday interprets the song's unusual style not as a rallying cry, but a funeral dirge for the death of the New Orleans Saints --a high concept even for The Purple One.

Purple and Gold Lyrics

the veil of the sky draws open the roar of the chariots touch down we r the ones who have now come again and walk upon water like solid ground as we approach the throne we won't bow down this time we won't b denied

raise every voice and let it b known in the name of the purple and gold

we come in the name of the purple and gold all of the odds r in r favor no prediction 2 bold we r the truth if the truth can b told long reign the purple and gold

the eyes say ready 4 battle no need 4 sword in hand we r all amped up like a rock n roll band ready 2 celebrate every score ready 2 fight the elegant war ready 2 hear the crowd roar

that's what we came 4 and so much more in the name of the purple and gold r spirits may b tired r bodies may b worn but since this day is r destin Listen 2 cents; seems the job of musical director for sport teams has it's perks. Being in such a primal gladiator environment mixed with lots of beer, can make even your most hardcore homophobic dawn his hairy chest and chant with Freddy Mercury. (if they only knew) Freddy must be chuckling in his grave. But wait, this is just thinking too deep. (something i've never been accused of) Again, we are talking sports, violence, chanting and BEER! Well, the Purple man has come out to get behind his team. (who'd of known he was a sports fan at all) Hearing the song, which does resemble a funeral dirge makes me wonder this main point..... How the hell are these drunk primates going to sing his words? Sure, teleprompter but that's a lot of lyrics and much more complex than "Rock You"! If it works, I will be shocked. I anticipate the mumblings of 300,000 which could sound pretty cool. I understand "We Will Rock You". (short....has the word "Rock"... and "Mud on yer face"...not to mention the BOOM BOOM CHAT, BOOM BOOM CHAT! Bottom line is the meaning is meaningless in this demographic. I think Prince is getting one over on the jocks who surely picked on him as a youngster. Good on ya. Dig the dirge though. It's almost old English sounding though. (fat bearded men, dressed in animal skins with....uh..BEER and a massive greasy drumstick in hand/mouth! Wait a second, sounds kinda current)