
Some Campbell Words...

2013 / Thirty Years and 600 Yards

Every now and again things come together. March 2nd was a case in point. As luck would have it on the morning following my sons 30th Birthday, it was warm and sunny with a decent swell. It is a rare day when I have a chance to surf with Jacob and Ian at the same time; let alone 600 yards from the birthplace of the Bonzer. Unfortunately Duncan was not with us. The Campbell brothers times two would have been icing on the cake. A bit over forty two years ago Duncan and I had built the first Bonzer right down the street, and surfed it at the same peaks I was surfing with Ian and Jacob. Good waves at our old haunt are few and far between these days, and as I get older the past seems to whisper a little louder. But I’m not one to wax nostalgic, and with the Bonzer 5 turning thirty this spring, Duncan and I will be pushing on. We and the Bonzer 5 have got “10 miles to go on a 9 mile road”. A hearty thanks to all who have helped keep the Bonzer Energy flowing.
Peace and Love,
JacobJacob laying backIanIan setting upMalcolm — Jacob — IanMalcolm, Jacob, Ian