old and new bonzer video page
{disclaimer; all apologies for shitty grammar etc.
most everything bad or incorrect i will blame on weed. That statement as well}
Missed and the 'Mist'
(in '77, 3 fins hit the big screen (secretly)and 7 years after Malcolm and Duncan Campbell Birthed the design)
This was the year Free Ride came out.
(in fact this may have been the short film they showed before before it at the HB Surf Theatre? i can't recall. I do recall the screen being veiled by a mist of Thai Stick or Coletas)
I also remember, for the time, how progressive the surfing was in this weird lil piece. Dan Flecky(HB) and Billy Pells(NB) were known, but this other guy named Russ Short(OXN) was riding this trippy 3 fin thing(Bonzer 3) was performing beyond the others.
As fast as this movie came, it went. Being a knucklehead kid, the evening's highlight was of course Free Ride and it's hero factor, but the Bonzer's performance was now filed in my memory.
Many moons would pass before i saddled that trippy design because surfing (for me) had taken a back seat. Eventually, I found myself on a 5 Fin for one wave and my surfing revitalization.
(i must say that not only board design is the attraction here as the Campbell's philosophy, love and friendship go hand in hand with the high performance art craft they make.)
This is just a short clip of some fantastic surfing for the time. Get this movie in full and you will not be disappointed. It is not easy to find like most good things.
The left point footage is the highlight.
for the correct time line and history please go here.