
Neal Purchase Jr. S Decking

a surfer i admire in a big way seems to have caught displacement fever. if there was anyone to tackle hollow right points backside on a hull he'd be my 1st choice. surely he'll be taking the design to places not seen yet on this orb. all photos Dane Peterson Here's a shot of a new "S Deck" fun board called The Pink Lady. Mowed down for Dane Peterson while in town with Alex Kopps and Harrison Roach. It's 5'9 x 20 1/2 x 2 5/8 Did a bunch for the guys while they stayed. Alex is making a new movie called "Displacement".I just happened to find some of MP's original templates and used an old Burfords 6'6 F for this one,was a marathon! After riding Alex's Cali Hulls for a week I did my interpretation. More tri-plane than Hull.Hope to get the Shaping Bay time laps and more documented photos to post soon. all stolen via; http://nealpurchasedesigns.blogspot.com/