
Solace Piano Roll

Now this may certainly not be for everyone but this song is just great and the original Scott Joplin version rarely heard. This is injustice. The popular version can be heard and seen on piano role here as adapted for the "Mexican Serenade" in The Sting. It has been manipulated and stretched to fit the 'woman object' part of the movie. Even though Hollywood messed so with it, I can't deny it does pull at the heart and works perfect in the movie. I was just lucky enough to hear it 1st on a player piano roll before the movie because my father was a huge ragtime fan. Joplin piano for me is forever tainted by the aforementioned movie as I'm sure it is with most people. 'The Entertainer' can happily and Quietly rest along side 'Meet The Beatles' and "She Loves You...yeh, yeh......yup." I'm sure you all have your own personal horrors if these don't do.