One perk of having many roommates throughout the years is that, many people end up leaving things of value....to me. (having the space helps)
This patio love seat was used on the set of Goldfinger and through the years has been refreshed a bit because of shear age.
You can see it in the background of the movie as matching furniture to the one pictured
at the horse ranch/ evil lair.
Shame it's not the exact love seat that Pussy Galore(Honor Blackman) is seen above sipping her mint julep.
Trivia for the
Goldfinger fanatic;
Honor Blackman is the oldest ever Bond Girl; she was thirty seven years of age at the time of filming.
The Pussy name is said to have been named after Fleming's pet octopus.
First appearance of a laser beam in a movie.
Gert Fröbe (Goldfinger) was the name Mathew Brodrick uses in the restaurant scene in Ferris Bueler.(Gert B. Frobe)
The debut of the Aston Martin.
Tilly Masterson's Ford Mustang was supposedly the first appearance by a Mustang in a major motion picture. The Mustang was introduced in April of 1964 and Goldfinger was released in December. Ford supplied many cars to the film including the CIA agents' Thunderbird, all of Goldfinger's goons cars, and the Lincoln Continental that is crushed.
and much more