
Ma passes to Bunk as the Baby turns to Belly (pt.1 of a 'CC' chronology)

MA RAINEY - 1925 "See See Rider", also known as "C.C. Rider" or "See See Rider Blues" or "Easy Rider" is a popular American 12-bar blues song. It was first recorded by Gertrude "Ma" Rainey in 1924, and since then has been recorded by 1000's of artists. Ma dlow See See Rider - Bunk Johnson with Baby Dodds; dms. Recorded on the 31st. July 1944 Bunk is accompanied by Jim Robinson; tmb. George Lewis; clt. Laurence Marrero; bjo. Bunk DL And speaking of the Baby; Here's some soloing using rudiments with the cartoon-themed accents I spoke of before. (this man's style was another huge influence for me in the early years for I was searching for the right style to fit in with the 80 yr old band members of that gig) "Baby" Dodds is regarded as one of the very best jazz drummers of the pre-big band era, and one of the most important early jazz drummers. Dodds was among the first drummers who improvised while performing to be recorded. He varied his drum patterns with accents and flourishes. Dodds continues to be admired for the creativity of his playing. He believed in playing something different for every chorus of every tune. Baby dlwd (this is dedicated to the few drum lovers out there including JP(blog1000) And... Leadbelly's rad version. Belly DL