
Sub Lows and High Temps

HAT'S OFF! To the LA Fire Dept. and the shit they deal with, in particular July 4! But these small episodes of nomad part people in the hills where I reside can be just as frustrating. I understand coming to the hilly area for the view and such, yet setting up 5 car stereos in a sub woofer challenge, an abundance of King Cobras and the tossing of lit smokes is just disrespectful...too all. There are consiQuences. Not to mention the 'garbage' left behind and the fact that these ARE neighborhoods, not just inspiration points. (i won't go into detail about the certain disregarded and used latex items that greet me with the AM paper) There is also the criminal element of loitering and planning suspect activity. I love my neighborhood. I just hope it holds together and thanks to the Yellow hats... it will! Tip o' the hat! Sad to say I missed the helo activity of the mass water dousing unit that must have passed no more than 100ft above me on it's pin-point execution drop.