The Art Of...... "Imperfection"
All about Diana+.... low Price: $39.95 (shop around)
Seriously, just put it all out of your mind. We’ll no longer “look for the big picture,” and there will be no more “getting an overview” or “stepping back to take it all in.” All of these concepts imply an abrupt halt to activity - a conscious pause of your natural drive and instincts. As we say day in and day out: Be fast. Who’s got the time to consider the implications when close to a million tremendous potential photos are streaming right past your nose? No Diana owner worth their chops would spend one iota of energy on the big picture when there are so many crucial elements to focus on.
continued on Diana site.
Diana Images below.
The Holga. Total Price: $35.18 (Buy.com)
The origin of the species
Hong Kong 1982. The manufacturing and production hub of the world is burning at a full flame. As with their neighbors in Japan and China, photography is an intense national hobby and obsession. New camera designs and productions are churned out daily, feeding the huge domestic and import markets. From within this world of manic creation and innovation comes the Holga, a distinctly un-modern and somewhat prehistoric throwback to the early days of camera mechanics.
continued on Holga site.
Holga Images...
Note; All cameras are from Lomography. click to see all models and massive potential.
I'm personally on a mission for one of these yet my research is pending...
any help from the experienced would be appreciated.