
4 on the Floor?

Cabin disclaimer; These are some opinions of mine for this current cabinet team. I'm just an average....person (not Joe) and these are my picks. Thank you. In order from worst to best. Think Not! (caption not necessary really as her look says it all) Note....Negative! Please no! Chuck Hagel, Republican senator from Nebraska, is rumored to be on the short list for President-Elect Obama's cabinet. Obama has said that he'd like to reach across the aisle in his cabinet picks and for a period Hagel was rumored to be on the short list for VP, which may have countered John McCain well as Hagel is also a decorated Vietnam Vet. Hagel has said that he will be retiring from the senate, which might leave him available to fill Gates' vacancy after Gates leaves office, which may not be immediately following inauguration. READ HERE. Note.....YES! The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, an umbrella organization of 26 Hispanic groups, called on Mr. Obama to select Gov. Richardson, who endorsed Mr. Obama in March after dropping out of the Democratic race for president in January. Gov. Richardson, a Mexican-American, is a seasoned diplomat, having served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President Bill Clinton. Read about Bill's foreign policy resume. Note #1 Choice! "We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." – Carlos Castaneda