Captain America
"Captain America"(Captain David H. McGraw) bayonet charges into fierce scrap metal, in Episode 3 of Generation Kill.
This is just one of many disturbing parts from the series (endorsed by the Marines) about some of the screw ups that were common.
McGraw was never relieved even as his many retarded actions continued. Once resulting in 2 soldier's major injuries.
To be fair, this is just part of what was happening. At the same time there were true, smart, sympathetic and very professional marines making good decisions and even disobeying clusterfuck orders that would endanger there men or civilians.
I was certainly not there yet this is one view from the book/ series by Evan Wright
embedded with the 1st boots on the ground.
I do know that the unit worked as consultants on the series and my nephew was very close to them while he was there. He says it's exactly right on.
The series is not slanted either way yet shows all sides of our new warriors.
A must see as the soldiers are certainly not in the news at all at the moment and they continue to risk their lives. And for what? They/ we are not certain.
note; The character LT. "Encino Man" was another Questionable character.